Parmish Verma Made His Digital Debut with ‘Kanedea’ | Parmish Verma made digital debut with ‘Canada’: I was discriminated against in Australia, Jasmine told- Why do Punjabi live in Canada

Parmish Verma Made His Digital Debut with ‘Kanedea’ | Parmish Verma made digital debut with ‘Canada’: I was discriminated against in Australia, Jasmine told- Why do Punjabi live in Canada

2 hours agoAuthor: Ashish Tiwari

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Famous singer, actor and director of Punjabi industry, Parmish Verma, has now made her debut on the OTT platform with the Crime-Three series ‘Canada’. This web series is stream on the OTT platform Jio Hotstar. Recently, Parmish Verma, Jasmine Bajwa and Adar Malik had a special conversation with Dainik Bhaskar about this series. Parmish Verma said that when he went to Australia in Young Age, he was discriminated against. Jasmine explained why Punjabi lives in Canada. The series starcast said what else said during the conversation, read in the major part of the conversation ..

Question- What is ‘Canada’ for all three of you?

Answer/Jasmine- It has been a very emotional journey for me. I am playing the role of Harleen in this series. This character is going to be very close to my heart. There is a desire inside every actor that he gets a good chance. When you are given the responsibility on such sensitive topic to take one aspect of it to the people, then there has been a big gift for me.

Parmish Verma– Canada is like a school for me and my life. I did not go to any acting institute to learn acting. I have got to learn a lot while working with my senior actor. Whatever I have learned during the shooting of this series has settled in my life forever. After 15 years, even though my work is not remembered in this series, what has been learned from here will be with me all my life.

Adar Malik plays Daljeet in ‘Canada’.

Stagger– It was a very special project for me. Its topic is how people from India have settled in Canada. When the offer of this series came, I was settling UK at the same time. She wrote all the things in the script. Due to which I relieved myself a lot. This show matters a lot to me.

Question- How difficult it is to get out of the kind of characters you have played in this series and what is left?

Answer/Jasmine– Before working in this series, used to think why people say that it took two months to prepare for the character. In the preparation of the character, they lock themselves in the room. The character is so lost in the character that it is very difficult to get out of it. When I worked in this series, all the things came to understand. During a scene of this series, it was emotionally added that it was difficult to get out of it. There are some scenes that live with you.

Parmish Verma– You can learn a lot from the character of Nimma in this series. There has been a lot of ups and downs in Nimma’s life. During this time, what mistakes did he make, I took those mistakes along. I moved to Australia at a very young age. I was very discriminated against there. Second citizen feeling used to come. Self-esteem was starting to weaken. Still used to cover themselves. All this has been seen in the role of Nimma.

Assassin owner-Some take some together, because when they play the character, they are completely lost in it. They keep flowing with the journey of the character. In such a situation, some things remain with you somewhere.

Jasmine Bajwa says that she considers Canada as the second Punjab.

Question- What was the biggest challenge for you?

Answer/ Jasmine- There is such a story of this series, which used to be challenged every day. I have played such a girl in it. Which has a turn in life when he has to choose one of the family and love. Such situations occur in every woman’s life. It is not less than any war. The biggest challenge for me was that this character did not hurt anyone’s feelings.

Parmish Verma- I shared the beard for this series. Because of this, my fans were also angry. This has been the most challenging for me, but when my fans will see the series, they will be happy. I could not tell about my character before the trailer arrived.

Question- Why does Punjabi people love Canada so much?

Answer/ Parmish Verma– Just as there are Punjabi in Canada, so there are Gujarati. Many hotels in America belong to Gujarati. Migration is being done on a large scale from India. The people of India are very hardworking. People here go to different countries in search of good occasions.

Jasmine- We call Canada the second Punjab. Canadian people from Punjab go in search of good occasions. They are getting to learn something there. The best thing is that after learning from there, they are working in Punjab and increasing the economy here. If I am working in the Punjabi industry here, then I want to learn from here to go to Canada to do something that will also grow like Bollywood.

Parmish Verma says that he was discriminated against in Australia.

Question- How do you see Punjab’s music industry?

Answer/ Parmish Verma– The best thing about the music industry of Punjab is that the songs here are connected to the ground. In which Punjabi soil smell is felt. People who do not understand Punjabi language also swing on Punjabi song.

Question- You directed Sidhu Mosewala’s first music video, what kind of memories are associated with him?

Answer/ Parmish Verma- I had very good friends. When he went to Canada, he wrote the first song. I directed that video. I went to Canada a show in 2018. Then Sidhu was there and was introducing himself to international music. He introduced the music of the new style. He was a very sweet and habal person.

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