A scared revelation has been revealed in a report by The Lancet. It has been told that in the coming days, cases of cancer will increase rapidly in the whole world. The reason for the deteriorating situation in the study was also given, after which all the questions are being raised in the minds of people about their health. In such a situation, IANS had a special conversation with Dr. Ankur of Fortis Hospital.
How correct is the report of The Lancet?
According to Dr. Ankur, it cannot be dismissed that in the coming days, there will be a boom in cases of cancer across the country. The things that ‘Lancet’ said in their report are right about cancer. He says that the main reason behind increasing cancer cases is lifestyle, because in today’s date the lifestyle of all people has become very busy, due to which they are not able to take time for their health. Apart from this, stress is also coming out as a main reason for the increase in the case of cancer.
What will cause cancer cases increase?
According to Dr. Ankur, we doctors are also looking at how cancer cases are increasing. In the coming days, these cases of cancer can be increased to double. He says that people in Metro City are so busy that they are not able to pay attention to their health at all. Obesity is also the biggest reason for the increase in the case of cancer. In such a situation, it is necessary for all people to keep their weight balanced. Do not let your weight gain, because increasing weight can cause not only cancer, but can cause many other diseases.
These cancer cases more in India
He says that the most prominent mouth and breast in India are cancer. We also call oral cavity cancer. The main reason for this is tobacco intake, cigarette and smoking. He said that breast cancer is emerging as the biggest cancer among women. Apart from this, cases of cervical cancer and lung cancer are also coming up. In the coming days, cases of lung cancer may increase. According to Dr. Ankur, the report of ‘The Lascent’ states that in the coming days, cancer cases will also increase rapidly in women. The main reason for this is the increasing smoking trend and obesity among women. In such a situation, women should quit smoking immediately.
Women should take care of these things
They suggested that women should get mammography after 40 years. Peps mayor should be tested after 35 years. Apart from this, those who have been smoking for more than 20 years, should do low dose HRCT. Also improve lifestyle. Stay away from smoking. Be aware about your health, only then you will be able to beat cancer. He said that we have to become personally aware about cancer. The most prominent cause of cancer in our country is still alcohol and smoking. Apart from this, the second main reason is obesity. Both these reasons are in our hands. If we keep our lifestyle better, then we can definitely reduce the effect of cancer.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that Abplive.com No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
Also read: In the first stage these are symptoms of mouth cancer, if ignored it can be dangerous
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